The Roland Board of Education met on June 10 for its regular monthly meeting where they voted to hire a new school nurse, Ag Ed instructor and three teachers, while also accepting three resignations.
The board members voted to enter into an executive session at 6:48 p.m. to discuss the hiring of new employees. Upon returning to open session at 8:20 p.m. and announcing that no official votes or action was taken during the executive session, the board voted to hire a new school nurse, three teachers and an Ag Ed instructor.
Bayleigh Click was hired as school nurse, Morgan Reese as an Ag Ed instructor, Amanda Likens as an elementary teacher, Bradley Adams as an English teacher, and Lacy Sampley as a Special Education teacher.
According to meeting minutes, resignations were reportedly accepted from Errica Chorister, Summer Carlile and Marlene Matlock.
In new business, the board approved a contract with Kalen Griffin for technical support for the upcoming school year, and the additions of a boys and girls cross country and wrestling program for 2024-25. Also approved were floor repairs for the high school gym to be made for by Building Fund No. 21.
Following a motion from board president Jerry Brooks, the board unanimously agreed to renew the sublease agreement for $6,430,000 between the District and Sequoyah County Education Facilities Authority for the FY ending June 30, 2025, as required under the provision of the agreement.
Also approved during the meeting were the following:
• 2024-25 Wellness public release
• Documents for the Child Nutrition Program • Title I School Wide Site Plan
• Resolution to join Oklahoma School Insurance Group for 202425 (with policy changes)
• Fundraisers for the 2024-25 school year This news story is based on the unofficial minutes from the board meeting and could be in error if the minutes are changed prior to adoption.