The Roland FFA Wildlife Management Teams placed first at the Northeast Area Career Development Event held at the Adair County Fairgrounds. Students were required to take a written test over the current Oklahoma Wildlife Department Hunting and Fishing Regulations, a written test over hunting, boating, and outdoor safety, identify wildlife animals and fish that are native to Oklahoma, and identify grasses, legumes, forbs, and woody plants that are important to wildlife species. A special thanks to Northeastern State University Wildlife Department for providing the identification specimens, and Stilwell FFA for hosting the event. Pictured from the left is, Janessa Peters, Natlie Brunk, Brandie Reese, Graciee Wasson, Gabe Enciso, Conner Reichert, Wyatt Harvell, Blane Colwell, Braxton Prewett, Alex Brant, Jessyka Morris, Derek Allen, Kylee Hodges, and Brooklin Peters. Wyatt was the high individual in the senior event and Blane was the high individual in the junior event. The Roland FFA is advised by M.L. Lockwood.
December 28, 2022
Roland FFA Wins NW Career Development Event