The Roland FFA hosted their annual FFA Leadership Conference on Dec. 8, at Roland. Six Oklahoma FFA officers were in attendance and presented four workshops to help FFA students become better leaders and citizens. There were 14 FFA chapters in attendance from the Northeast and Southeast area. There were 116 FFA members in attendance from those chapters. Pictured in the front, from the left, is Caleb Horne-NW Area VP, Ava Jernigan-State Secretary, Emily Beaner-State Reporter, Presely Pullen-Central Area VP, Kyla Taylor-NE VP, and Hayden Harper-SE Area VP. Taylor was the officer in charge for the conference. Second row, Arianna Gragg, Anistyn Howard, Galadriel Griffin, Hope Green, Kylee Hodges, Graciee Wasson, Brandy Reese, Natalie Brunk, Janessa Peters, and Arianna Green. Back row, Kaylei Phelan, Brooklin Peters, Eathan Dieter, Alex Brant, Jessyka Morris, Gabe Enciso, Conner Reichert, Wyatt Harvell, and Gabe Enciso. Roland FFA is advised by M.L. Lockwood.
December 14, 2022
Roland FFA hosts Leadership Conference