I awoke this morning wondering what day of the week was before me. Age must be the villain, causing me to forget the day and even the time. I ask myself where has this week gone, how did I miss yesterday, it just flew by me. So many things I intended to do and just ran out of time. “Ran out of time” is a phrase I hear and say often, but how do we run out time? Is it something we purchase to buy again and again? No, time is not something we can lay a hand on to hold or prevent from passing us by. God has allotted us certain days and they are numbered according to His Word. We are too live them according to His plan for us, awaking everyday with His direction in mind. Whatever the day has in store, embrace it with joy in our life knowing that God is in control of time and space, He knows how time flies.
February 9, 2022
Back Porch Ponderings